Born and raised in Baltimore, Zoë Lintzeris is a visual artist working in painting and photography. Astrologia marks her first solo show in her hometown.
Founded on her previous work in journalism, her artwork explores the human condition and the emotional psyche through a minimalist lens. Her pieces reside in private collections throughout North America and Europe, and have been exhibited in installations at galleries and creative spaces including 222 Bowery, Clover’s Fine Art Gallery, Greenpoint Gallery, Maryland Art Place, and Point Green Studios. From 2017-2019 in New York City, she held three solo shows highlighting her conceptual-documentary photo work.
Since 2018, Zoë teaches Arts in Health practices in personal sessions and workshops, and regularly speaks on the intersection of the arts and well-being. She holds a graduate certificate in Arts in Health, and works with the International Arts + Mind Lab: Center for Applied Neuroaesthetics at Johns Hopkins University School for Medicine.
She is developing the world's first Arts in Health residency and retreat space in Greece, and looks forward to helping artists and creatives from all over the world.
Astrologia is a reaction to the events and aftermath of 2020, using astrological signs and signifiers to process the unknown. Anglicized from the Greek word “άστρολογία”, the paintings represent the signs of the zodiac in bold, abstract forms. My interest in astrology significantly increased during the pandemic and afterward, focusing on how people have used it for millennia to process and navigate through their
life’s journey. Referencing Taschen’s Astrology for inspiration, these paintings are a nod to my former style of minimalist drip painting; reverting to that style allowed me to find comfort and peace through my work when the world seemed to be upended in chaos.
Each piece was created during the “season” (or time period) of each astrological sign, as I wanted to transfer my emotions in that time period to every canvas. Some of the imagery adheres to the traditional zodiac but others are open to interpretation, allowing for the viewer to take in the energy of each piece for what it is, and see what they want to see.