Marie-Paule Dendooven Coster originally from Brussels, Belgium has always been drawn to the arts. She Came to the US and studied drawing, sculpture and painting at The Schuler School, M.I.C.A and B.C.C.
Marie-Paule paints maints with a variety of mediums such as acrylic, oil pastels, sticks, ink, wood and paper. She paints with many layers, blending many colors and textures. Her works vary from figurative to abstract and her subjects are mostly imaginary. She finds she either paints from memory or the subconscious. Her work is about feeling. Her inspiration is taken from nature and light. More info can be seen one Marie-Paule’s website
William Wright is a prolific self taught artist. Born and raised in England, currently living and working in the USA. William paints in a variety of styles with fondness for expressionism and bright colors. Winner of RAW BALTIMORE : BEST VISUAL ARTIST 2013. William has had work displayed at the prestigious Visionary Arts Museum in Baltimore.
Mr. Wright usually works quickly with whatever inspires him at the time and whatever materials are at hand or have grabbed his attention.
For the August show William hope to create a few new larger pieces, combining collage with paint, but honestly he has no idea what will inspire him tomorrow and may go in a totally different direction!